Hotel California (Eagles)

About the band: The Eagles are an American rock band formed in Los Angeles in 1971. They are one of the world's best-selling bands, having sold more than 200 million records, including 100 million albums sold in U.S alone. Their highest popularity was in the seventies, when they released six of their seven studio albums. The Eagles currently have four songs in my list of 200 best pop/rock songs of all time.

About the song: Hotel California is the title track of the 1976 album that cemented their superstar status, and essentially proved their swansong as well (I really do not like their later albums). To date this is still one of the most played songs all over the world. The nightmarish lyrics are set against an instrumentation which borrows as much from reggae as it does from Pink Floyd. Granted, it suffers a bit from overexposure, but it is still a great song. Run time 6:30.